In a tribute to Suze Rotolo earlier this year, Jeff Gold (of posted pictures/scans of two items from Dylan's personal record collection (folk blues on the European/Dutch Philips label, acquired from Suze) on his own (highly recommended) blog.
Jeff commented:
"Both of these albums... are what collectors call 'well played'--far from mint condition; obviously frequently played by their original owners.
These were records they listened to, loved, and in many cases were inspired by; some of the building blocks of their artistry. Part of their musical mojo. So thanks to Suze Rotolo, we have a bit more insight into what Bob was listening to at a most formative time.... To me, these were talismanic objects, filled with the music we now know inspired Dylan so much. When I asked Rotolo by email why Dylan had written on his albums, she told me that it was similar to making notes in the margins of books for him. Later I realized at the point he annotated these, he had only been going by the name Bob Dylan for perhaps a year and a half--in fact, he had only legally changed his name in August, 1962--three months before buying these. It's almost as if he was seeing how his new name fit alongside those of these legendary artists."
I have tried to recreate one of these albums from more recent sources/transfers in my own collection -- most tracks should be superior sound/quality than that of the original -- basically "bootleg" -- album, which Bob Dylan acquired during his first trip to London, England, in late 1962 (possibly at Dobell's Record Shop in Charing Cross Road, where he contributed to an album by Richard Farina and Eric Von Schmidt providing back-up vocals and harmonica).
Please note Bob Dylan's comments on the original sleeve:
"Drinked up and let out by Bob Dylan"
and "Read Thoroughly and with full throttle by Bob Dylan" -- one song from this compilation
("Step It Up And Go") was covered by Bob on his 1992 album "Good As I Been To You".
Full recording details in ID3 tags:
01 She's a Truckin' Little Baby
02 Screaming and Crying Blues
03 Big Leg Woman Gets My Pay
04 I Want Some of Your Pie
05 Cat Man Blues
06 Been Your Dog
07 Hungry Calf Blues
08 Mojo Hidin' Woman
09 Piccolo Rag
10 Lost Lover Blues
11 Night Rambling Woman
12 Step It Up and Go
13 Keep Away from My Woman NOTE: Since I'm not aware which take of this track has
14 Keep Away from My Woman been used for this compilation, I've included both.
15 Little Woman You're So Sweet
16 My Brownskin Sugar Plum
17 Evil Hearted Woman

Welcome to my Bob Dylan™ Musical Roots and Influences Blog (a previous incarnation was of Manfred Helfert, Mainz, Germany. Any copyrighted items are included here for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107). Most audio recordings linked to (but not hosted) in this blog are believed to be either uncopyrighted or to have lapsed into Public Domain in the EU where this blog originates.
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011
Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 10 - even more German radio...
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
Broadcast: Deutschlandradio Kultur, May 24, 2011
Musiker der Band "Ja, Panik" schätzt den großen Musiker und sieht ihn auch kritisch.
Moderation: Ulrike Timm
Andreas Spechtl von der Gruppe "Ja, Panik" bezeichnet die genaue Arbeit an den Texten seiner Band als Einfluss von Bob Dylan. Seine Protestsongs aus den 60ern seien allerdings "Kitsch".
"Ich kannte ja bis dahin nur Pfadfindermusik"
Broadcast: Deutschlandradio Kultur, May 24, 2011
Wolfgang Niedecken im Gespräch mit Ute Welty
Wenn ihm als Teenager die Musik von Bob Dylan nicht begegnet wäre, dann hätte sein Leben einen völlig anderen Verlauf genommen, sagt der Sänger der Kölschrock-Gruppe "BAP", Wolfgang Niedecken. Der amerikanische Folk- und Rockmusiker sei sein musikalischer "Urknall" gewesen.
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011
No Nazis in Berlin 1964 either -- more of Clinton Heylin's uncalled-for anti-German "propaganda" and sloppy "research"
As a German, I feel increasingly angered that Clinton Heylin (or his editor) seems to be somewhat "obsessed" with Germans being equal to "Nazis" or "neo-Nazis".
Besides the definitely non-existing "neo-Nazis" at Dylan's 1978 Nuremberg concert, why does Heylin have to describe Dylan's hardly documented private trip to Berlin in 1964 in such a way?
"Availing himself of Hoffenburg's hospitality, Dylan spent a day looking for Nazis in West Berlin and, not finding any, concluded they'd all moved to Arlington"
(p. 157 of the "20th Anniversary Edition"
of Behind the Shades )
There's nothing about Dylan "looking for Nazis in West Berlin" in the (rather few) sources documenting this trip, like the one quoted at ... licks.html
-- once again, it seems to spring SOLELY from Heylin's or his editor's (more than a little twisted) imagination and amounts to outright racist and uncalled-for anti-German "propaganda" Clinton (or his editor) obviously added to make his book sell better with UK and US readers accustomed to the Nazi-image of Germans.
Definition of "propaganda" (from Wikipedia):
"Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself.
As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented."
And Heylin (or his editor) clearly ADDED these uncalled-for anti-German slurs, which were NOT PRESENT in neither the 1988 edition of Stolen Moments (p. 54), nor the 1996 edition of A Life in Stolen Moments (p. 60), whereas Mason Hoffenberg is consistently misspelt in all of these editions -- sloppy research by Heylin we have (by now) become accustomed to and which could have been definitely remedied by something as simple as a Google search....
Related Link
Besides the definitely non-existing "neo-Nazis" at Dylan's 1978 Nuremberg concert, why does Heylin have to describe Dylan's hardly documented private trip to Berlin in 1964 in such a way?
"Availing himself of Hoffenburg's hospitality, Dylan spent a day looking for Nazis in West Berlin and, not finding any, concluded they'd all moved to Arlington"
(p. 157 of the "20th Anniversary Edition"
of Behind the Shades )
There's nothing about Dylan "looking for Nazis in West Berlin" in the (rather few) sources documenting this trip, like the one quoted at ... licks.html
-- once again, it seems to spring SOLELY from Heylin's or his editor's (more than a little twisted) imagination and amounts to outright racist and uncalled-for anti-German "propaganda" Clinton (or his editor) obviously added to make his book sell better with UK and US readers accustomed to the Nazi-image of Germans.
Definition of "propaganda" (from Wikipedia):
"Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself.
As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented."
And Heylin (or his editor) clearly ADDED these uncalled-for anti-German slurs, which were NOT PRESENT in neither the 1988 edition of Stolen Moments (p. 54), nor the 1996 edition of A Life in Stolen Moments (p. 60), whereas Mason Hoffenberg is consistently misspelt in all of these editions -- sloppy research by Heylin we have (by now) become accustomed to and which could have been definitely remedied by something as simple as a Google search....
Related Link
Samstag, 4. Juni 2011
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 09 - more from the UK
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
Ann McElvoy, "Night Waves", BBC Radio 3, Broadcast May 24, 2011

As Bob Dylan turns 70, Anne [McElvoy] discovers why his recent work still has meaning from singer Barb Jungr and English academic, Daniel Karlin.
"Bob Dylan's London", BBC London, Broadcast May 18, 2011
Russell Clarke talks to Robert Elmes about Dylan's visits to London through the years.
Alan Thompson, "The Evening Show", BBC Radio Wales, Broadcast June 01, 2011
A look back at the career of Bob Dylan. Alan Thompson talks to biographer Patrick Humphreys [sic].
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 08 - from Scotland
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
"Another Country" with Ricky Ross, Broadcast: BBC Scotland, May 20, 2011
PART 01 (first hour)
PART 02 (second hour)

Rosanne Cash, Tom Jones, Teddy Thompson, Craig Finn of The Hold Steady and The Secret Sisters all choose their favourite Bob Dylan songs to celebrate his 70th birthday. Plus Ricky Ross takes a look at some of the many Americana and alternative country artists that have covered the Bob Dylan songbook over the years. Part 1/2.
"Another Country" with Ricky Ross, Broadcast: BBC Scotland, May 27, 2011
PART 01 (first hour)
PART 02 (second hour)
Kris Kristofferson, Patty Griffin, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Mavis Staples, Justin Townes Earle, Ryan Bingham and Eilen Jewell all choose their favourite Bob Dylan songs to celebrate his 70th birthday. Record producer Mark Howard reveals what it's like to work in a studio with him. Plus Ricky Ross takes a look at the many Americana and alternative country artists that have covered the Bob Dylan songbook over the years. Part 2/2.
Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 07 - German radio
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
"Liederladen: Die Songs von Blind Boy Grunt"
Am Mikrofon: Michael Kleff
Broadcast: DLF, May 25, 2011
(German language)
Als Bob Dylan 1961 auf der Suche nach seinem Idol Woody Guthrie nach New York kam, träumte er von einem Vertrag bei Folkways, dem schon damals legendären Label von Moses Asch.
Doch nur wenige Tage nach einem von Robert Shelton in der New York Times im September 1961 veröffentlichten Konzertbericht stand Dylan bei Columbia unter Vertrag.
Dennoch gab es wenig später Aufnahmen von ihm bei Folkways. Aus rechtlichen Gründen erschien er auf den Alben "Broadside Ballads" und "Broadside Reunion" unter dem Namen Blind Boy Grunt. Auch auf einer 1963 in London aufgenommenen Platte von Richard Farina und Eric von Schmidt ist Bob Dylan unter diesem Pseudonym als Sänger und Mundharmonikaspieler zu hören.
Zum 70. Geburtstag des Musikers am 24. Mai gibt es im "Lieder-Laden" Songs von Blind Boy Grunt sowie Musik- und Interviewausschnitte von Dylans frühen Radioauftritten im Oktober 1961 in Oscar Brands Sendung "Folk Festival" und Cynthia Goodings Show "Folksinger's Choice" Anfang 1962, zu Zeiten, als er noch für einen Dollar und einen Cheeseburger auftrat. (
"Bob Dylan - Bilder eines Lebens"
Broadcast: NDR Kultur, May 24, 2011
(German language)
Kaum ein Künstler hat die Popmusik so beeinflusst wie er. Selbst Stars haben ihn zitiert - Jimi Hendrix etwa. Nun ist Dylan 70 - ein famoser Bildband gewährt den Blick zurück.
"Gesprächszeit: Prof. Heinrich Detering - Bob Dylan"
Broadcast: Nordwestradio, Radio Bremen, May 24, 2011
(German language)
Der Göttinger Germanistik-Professor, Heinrich Detering, ist einer von elf Preisträgern, die am 30. März 2009 den Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) bekamen. Außerdem ist Heinrich Detering ein Bob Dylan Kenner. Anläßlich des 70. Geburtstages von Bob Dylan sprach Nordwestradio-Moderator Wolfgang Rumpf mit ihm.
Verfügbarkeitsdatum in Dokument nicht angegeben!
"Gesprächszeit: Prof. Heinrich Detering - Bob Dylan"
Broadcast: Nordwestradio, Radio Bremen, May 24, 2011
(German language)
Der Göttinger Germanistik-Professor, Heinrich Detering, ist einer von elf Preisträgern, die am 30. März 2009 den Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) bekamen. Außerdem ist Heinrich Detering ein Bob Dylan Kenner. Anläßlich des 70. Geburtstages von Bob Dylan sprach Nordwestradio-Moderator Wolfgang Rumpf mit ihm.
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 06 - Even more German (language) TV and radio
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
German Public TV:
"Lógos - Die Botschaft des Bob Dylan"
BR-alpha, Broadcast date: May 22, 2011 (45 minutes)
(German language)
(Divx as multi-part zip-file, all parts and a program like 7Zip are needed to extract/combine parts) - Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03
With the (by now) "usual suspects" like Prof. Dr. Knut Wenzel, Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping, etc.
Taped mainly at the Katholische Akademie in Bayern, during a March 18-19, 2011 Bob Dylan symposium with additional footage (once again, from "the usual suspects", like No Direction Home, etc.)
Schweizer Radio DRS:
"Der unfassbare Mr. Dylan", Kontext, Broadcast date: May 24, 2011
(German language)
Mit knapp 25 Jahren wird Bob Dylan zur Symbolfigur des politischen Aufbruchs in den USA der 1960er Jahre. Doch die Rolle des Protestpropheten behagt ihm ebenso wenig wie später die des Rockpropheten, des predigenden Fundamentalisten oder hoffnungslosen Alkoholikers.
Obwohl er die Populärkultur eines halben Jahrhunderts massgeblich mitprägt, entzieht er sich jeglicher Vereinnahmung und erfindet sich dauernd neu. Über den Verweigerungskünstler Dylan im Umfeld seiner Zeit redet Lislot Frei mit dem Journalisten Jean-Martin Büttner.
Download zum Beitrag:
"Bob Dylan, der Poet", Reflexe, Broadcast date: May 24, 2011
(German language)
Andrew Shields von der Universität Basel und der Dylankenner Martin Schäfer diskutieren mit Eric Facon über die Texte Dylans anhand von vier Beispielen aus verschiedenen Schaffensperioden.
"Blick auf die vielseitige Welt von Bob Dylan", Kultur-Stammtisch,
Broadcast date: May 21, 2011
(German language)
Am 24. Mai feiert Bob Dylan seinen 70. Geburtstag, Dylan, der grösste Songschreiber der Pop- und Rockgeschichte. Im Kulturstammtisch diskutiert Eric Facon mit der Filmwissenschaftlerin Marcy Goldberg und dem Musiker Balts Nill über ein Seitengleis seiner Tätigkeit: über Bob Dylan und den Film, im Dokumentarfilm, als Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor und Regisseur.
70th Birthday "Dylanthology", Part 05 - German TV and Radio
All of these radio and TV programmes (and their descriptions) are © by the stations who produced and aired them. Links to streams and/or downloads and descriptions are provided solely for "nonprofit educational purposes" (one of the criteria of "fair use", Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107).
Presentation (hyperlinks, etc.) © by the author of this blog.
German Public TV:
"aspekte", ZDF, Broadcast date: May 20, 2011
(German language)
Kampf mit der eigenen Legende. Bob Dylan wird 70
(Struggling with his own legend: Bob Dylan turns 70)
"Der Marker", ZDF Kultur, Broadcast date: May 25, 2011
(German language)
15 Minuten Popkultur: heute mit Bob Dylan,
Kreuzberg und PopLyrik
German Public Radio:
WDR 5, "Tagesgespräch: Soundtrack nur für eine Generation -
welche Bedeutung hat Bob Dylan?", Broadcast date: May 24, 2011
(German language)
Gast: Peter Rüchel, WDR-Redakteur der früheren WDR-Produktion Rockpalast,
Moderation: Sabine Brandi © WDR 2011
SWR2 "Forum - Bob Dylan wird 70",
Broadcast date: May 19, 2011
(German language)
Immer wieder Gegen-Kultur?
Gesprächsleitung: Karsten Umlauf
Es diskutieren: Dr. Richard Klein - Musikwissenschaftler, Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Susan Neiman - Philosophin, Einstein-Forum Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Knut Wenzel - Theologe, Uni Frankfurt
Er ist Wanderprediger, Folksänger, Friedensaktivist, Rocker, Maler, Pulitzer-Preisträger und immer wieder: ein Kandidat für den Literaturnobelpreis. Bob Dylan hat wie kaum ein anderer Pop-Musik zu einer intellektuell ernst zu nehmenden Kunstform gemacht. Sein Einfluss auf andere Musikerkollegen ist Legion, aber unter seinen größten Fans finden sich auch viele Künstler und Wissenschaftler. Am 24. Mai wird er 70 Jahre alt. Ist er immer noch die andere oder nur noch die abgewrackte Stimme Amerikas? Er spielt für Papst und Präsident, witzelt als Radio-Moderator und spricht bei seinen Konzerten kaum ein Wort mit seinem Publikum: Was fasziniert Philosophen, Theologen oder Musikwissenschaftler in Deutschland an Bob Dylan?
Richard Klein: My Name It Is Nothin' : Bob Dylan. Nicht Pop. Nicht Kunst. Lukas Verlag 2006,
24,90 €;
Knut Wenzel: HoboPilgrim – Bob Dylans Reise durch die Nacht. Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag 2011,
19,90 €
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